My Friday was one of the best days in my whole life without exaggerating. You know when you just wake up in the morning and you feel it’s gonna be a good day? I woke up a bit happier, a bit more in love and life just felt good. I think you get it. And then the day just got better and better. As I told you before me and my family booked tickets to the Tiziano Ferro concert in Rome. And I was really looking forward to it, because I’ve been listening to him since I was a little kid. When we then arrived to the concert I was joking with mom saying _”maybe Totti’s here” _(a big soccer player that I’ve been in love with since I was 3 years old). Mom didn’t even respond, because she’s pretty tired about me talking about Totti. Then when we finally got to our seats, waiting for the concert to start. Then I hear how people around us start to talk about that Totti's at the concert. After a bit of searching, I found him. I was about to die literally. Unfortunately nobody was allowed to take pictures with him. But I stood like 3m from him. HAHAH! I was so happy. Next up, manage to take a photo with him. Then I could really die 100% happy ♥