As the title says. My most liked pictures on Instagram 2017. Should we have a look? I can see that you like me, body positivity and love. Not so strange though. n1- My first statement after the bikini brand Calzedonia chose to comment my body weight. n2- My second statement after other Swedish influencers chose (still choose) to collaborate with Calzedonia. I will never understand HOW you can collaborate with a company that think that they have the right to comment on someone's body. n3- Me in a bikini holding a burger in Marrakesh. Unfortunately, the burger was not good at all. n4- Me in Italy covering my nipples with two coconuts, since it's not allowed to show (women)nipples on Instagram. Which really weird. It's the most natural thing we have. n5- Eric and I on a beach while in the Maldives. n6- A black and white portrait of me. I look very much like an actress, is it just me or do you agree? n7- Eric and I kissing on the Maldives. Love this picture! n8- Me and Eric in Dubai. You seem to like us two together. Hhaha! n9- And me laying on a beach while celebrating my 20th birthday.