nHi everone! I'm sitting in couch and my muscles are so sore!! You are probably wondering why. Yesterday I arranged a work out party together with Josef and Self Omninutrition. It was so much fun! A work out party is group work out but in a party environment. Dj, balloons, shots (BCAA shots) and coaches on the stage that are doing a 45-minutes long work outs. Everyone thought it was so fun but so though! In the end I even got some death threats ahah! nJust before the work out begun me and the Self team went up on stage with confetti shooters! nHere are the guys that totally killed us all. nAnd then the work out begun. OMG it was so though. I'm really glad that everyone really pushed themselves through the whole class. Here you can see Hedda and Evelina doing their squats. nMe and the best Filippa. What a women!! So strong and so pepping. I wouldn't have made it through the class without her. nAs I said everyone really thought. Here you can see Alice and Gertrude in action. nHehehh. As you might know I love balloons. So having lots of balloons on the event was a must have. nA group photo on everyone that came to the Self x Workout party! nThis is how we looked after the work out was done. Pretty tired and sweaty but happy. nAnd a little group picture of me, Oscar, Molly and Amanda. ♥