Here you have 2 photos I took 5 minutes ago with my web cam. It was such a long time ago I used it. I've been feeling a lite sick for almost 2 weeks now, but since a couple of days it's gotten worse. You should be happy that the quality of the web cam is so low, oterwhise you would have seen my huge dark circles. This night I fall asleep around 3am since I was coughing sooooo much (Eric slept on the couch because of that ahah!), then I woke up at 6am and now at 8am I decided to go up. I haven't been sleeping well for more than 4 nights. My energy is really low as you can understand, this makes me never wanna have kids! I went to the docotor yesterday to check up on my coughing, she should be calling anytime now and let me now how my blood results are ♥