Photographer: Herman Caroan Hi and welcome everyone! As you might see, the blog is totally different. A new start means a new design. I bet it feels as weird for me as for you. But I really hope that you'll like this new design. Feels cool and fresh. Please comment if theres any issues for you with the blog or if something seems weird just let me know. I launched SMACK MAG (GO CHECK IT OUT!!!) today. My own little secret project that I've been writing a lot about. Feels like my baby. I've been working so hard with this one!! Smack Mag is an online magazine that will be focusing on young women that likes fashion, beauty and to travel. We are gonna uppdate daily with new content and new articles. It's gonna be so much fun that you guys are going to join my on my journey. Later this spring some other bloggers will be joining me here at Smack Mag. Having a lot of meeting with some really cool girls. I will just pick out bloggers that I truly believe in! Smack Mag it's just the beginning of a big imperium. This is not a blog platform nor a magazine. Smack Mag is a blogazine! Then I want to thank a lot of different people. Thank you Spalt Pr for believing in my and for taking me on. And a special thank you to Csilla from Spalt. Without her this wouldn't have work. She's helped me with everything. Thanks to Silverback Media that made my kick ass logo, thanks to Herman that made my release videos and Ellen that has helped me with almost all photos here and on Smack, Demi that is my chef editor. And last I wanna give my mom, dad and Eric a big hug for always supporting me and believing in me. HUGS ♥