Time to write out some of my thoughts that I've been having lately. Feels a bit weird sometimes that I use my blog as a diary when it's actually thousands of people reading it. But it feels so good to have a little forum where I can write whatever I want. Some of you have been following me for such a long time. How long have you been reading my blog? (please please answer, it would be so fun to know). n nAs you might know, last year I had a depression and now in January I stopped taking my antidepressants. I have actually been feeling quite good since I stopped taking them. Sometimes the anxiety comes and sometimes I put way too much focus on negative things. Since I stopped with the medication I've had a very hard time seeing the postive side out of things and I tend to see the negative side much easier. Still feels like I'm balancing on a razor blade. I'm still so afraid to fall back. n nI tend to get really stressed over things that I can't really affect but I still can't get it out of my mind. Then I'm so damn bad at telling people how I feel, and what's going on in my mind. I know it's really bad, but I'm really trying to get better. I can get thousands of compliments but when I get one bad then it's just like I forget all of the good ones. It's weird, I should be able to put all the good and bad things on a scale and then see that the positive side "wins". If one things goes wrong in the morning then I can go around the whole day and be nnegative/angry/sad for the rest of the day. Feels like I should go to someone and speak about this. How do you work? Do you see more negative stuff about things or more positive? Do you have any good tips? Ps. I think you guys should get better at commenting (Emoji monkey who holds the eyes). Can I say that? I know that almost all of you are comfortable with the old wordpress comment box but I really need you. Without you this blog wouldn't be here. It wont take you long to register. Either connect yourself with FB or by clicking on the "I'd rather post as a guest." I would get so glad!!