/ Sponsored post / Tonight I'm getting all the pictures from yesterday's party! But to start I thought it would be fun to show you the goodie bag. Everone that came to #Thesmackparty got a really awesome goodie bag. It was filled with so much good stuff (mostly girly things but;). I loved it! Let's take a look. -A little almond milk from Alpro -Daim/japp bites from Marabou -Balloons from Party Productions -Work out bar from Self Omninutrition -Hairspray from Sebastian Professional -Candy from Kolsvart -Fake lashes from Depend -Cuticle oil from Trind -Giftcard from Nextory -Toothpaste from Oral-B -Socks from __Bikbok -Bobby pins/hair ties/haircurlers from Glitter n